April 13th until April 24th FRISIAN FLAG 2015


Also in 2015 will the exercise "Frisian Flag" be held at Fightertown Leeuwarden (EHLW).
The "Frisian Flag" is a big exercise who two weeks lasts, with Multi-international cooperation and with realistic defensive and offensive scenario's.

This is the first year that the exercise "Frisian flag" under supervision by the 322Tactess is.
The 322Tactess is based at Leeuwarden airbase (EHLW).

The participants shall be the F-16's from The Netherlands, Polish Air forces.
Other expected participants are the EF2000 from the German Luftwaffe,
(12x) F-15C USAF/FL & OR ANG, EF-18M/BM Ejército del Aire (Spanish Airforce), F-18C Suomen Ilmavoimat (finnish Airforce)
Electronic warfare and Jamming, Falcon20 Cobham AV, Lj.36A Skyline AV
The NATO is present with the E-3A AWACS from Geilenkirchen, Germany.

For the second time the Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) missions are supported by Tankers,
of the "EART2015" (European Air-to-Air Refuelling Training) from the EATC (European Air Transport Command).
The FBS BMVG / GAF with the Airbus A310-304MRTT, the 14th Wing / ITAF with the Boeing KC-767A,
GRV02.091 / FAF with the C-135FR and the 334sq / RNLAF with the KDC-10. also
a fifth tanker from a further non-European country in a kind of observer status, participating from Eindhoven Air Base (EHEH).

10+25 A310-304MRTT FBS BMVG Mission Callsign: COBO32
471/93-CB CF135R GRV02.091 Mission Callsign: MARCOTTE34
T-235 KDC-10 334sq Mission Callsign: TEXACO31
MM62226 KC-767A 14Wing Mission Callsign: GULF33

The Army supports with Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC), the Navy supports with a vessel for Defensive and offensive trainings-missions.
Germany will give ground support with a mobile DCRC "REDHAWK" at the Airbase

Purpose of the exercise Frisian Flag is to promote coöperation between air forces inside and outside NATO.
In several areas in the world has been previously shown that international cooperation is essential to operate successfully from the air.
Think of previous actions in Libya, Afghanistan and as resently the mission against IS in Iraq

Frisian Flag Participants;


F-15C/D Florida & Oregon Air National Guard
86-0161 F-15C-41MC 159FS/125FW Arr.31-03 AS MAZDA11 / Dep.07-05 AS RATTLER4
80-0024 F-15C-28MC 123FS/142FW Arr.31-03 AS MAZDA12 / Dep.07-05 AS FANG3
"City of Pendleton"
85-0106 F-15C-39MC 123FS/142FW Arr.31-03 AS MAZDA13 / Dep.07-05 AS SNAKE1
"City of Astoria"
86-0155 F-15C-41MC 159FS/125FW Arr.31-03 AS MAZDA14 / Dep.07-05 AS FANG1
84-0031 F-15C-38MC 123FS/142FW Arr.31-03 AS MAZDA15 / Dep.07-05 AS RATTLER1
"City of Hood River"
86-0162 F-15C-41MC 159FS/125FW Arr.31-03 AS MAZDA16 / Dep.07-05 AS SNAKE3
82-0016 F-15C-33MC 123FS/142FW Arr.01-04 AS MAZDA21 / Dep.07-05 AS FANG2
"West Linn"
85-0132 F-15D-40MC 123FS/142FW Arr.01-04 AS MAZDA22 / Dep.07-05 AS RATTLER2
"City of Albany"
86-0151 F-15C-41MC 123FS/142FW Arr.01-04 AS MAZDA23 / Dep.07-05 AS SNAKE2
"City of Mc Minnville"
81-0023 F-15C-30MC 159FS/125FW Arr.01-04 AS MAZDA24 / Dep.07-05 AS FANG4
85-0096 F-15C-39MC 159FS/125FW Arr.01-04 AS MAZDA25 / Dep.07-05 AS RATTLER4
78-0489 F-15C-21MC 159FS/125FW Arr.01-04 AS MAZDA26 / Dep.07-05 AS SNAKE4
Support, VIP Flight
89-1192 C-17A 437AW/315AW 26-03 Arr. / Dep. REACH977 "Spirit of Charleston"
10-0222 C-17A 437AW/315AW 30-03 Arr. / Dep. REACH788
03-3122 C-17A 437AW/315AW 31-03 Arr. REACH862 / 01-04 Dep. REACH862
02-1109 C-17A 62AW/446AW 01-04 Arr. / Dep. REACH307
04-4132 C-17A 6AW/305AW 01-04 Arr. / Dep. REACH713
02-1110 C-17A 62AW/446AW 01-04 Arr. / Dep. REACH558
06-6154 C-17A 60AW 02-04 Arr. / Dep. REACH584 "Spirit of Solano"
97-0041 C-17A 437AW/315AW 02-04 Arr. / Dep. REACH030
97-0046 C-17A 437AW/315AW 03-04 Arr. REACH196 / Dep.04-04 REACH196
07-7184 C-17A 437AW/315AW 09-04 Arr. REACH486 / Dep. REACH486Heavy
02-1105 C-17A 62AW/446AW 07-05 Arr. / Dep. REACH187
06-6163 C-17A 60AMW/349AMW 15-05 Arr. / Dep. REACH470 "Spirit of Vacaville"
06-6163 C-17A 60AMW/349AMW 18-05 Arr. / Dep. REACH344 "Spirit of Vacaville"

84-0126 C-21A 76AS/86AW 20-04 Arr. / Dep. FALCON45 Visit Com.of Chief, USAFE


Luftwaffe (German Airforce)
30+64 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09-04 GAFK69A / Dep. 24-04 GAFK32A
31+04 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09-04 GAFK69B / Dep. 24-04 GAFK32B
31+10 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09-04 GAFK69C / Dep. 24-04 GAFN70
30+75 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09-04 GAFK69D / Dep. 24-04 IVAN08
30+65 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09-04 GAFK31A / Dep. 24-04 IVAN07
30+97 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09-04 GAFK31B / Dep. 24-04 IVAN05
30+57 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09/04 GAFK31C / Dep. 24-04 IVAN06

30+53 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09/04 GAFK04A / Dep. 24-04 GAFK32C
30+94 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 09-04 GAFK04B / Dep. 24-04 GAFN69
30+80 EF2000 TaktLwG31 Arr. 10-04 GAFK99 / Dep. 24-04 GAFK32D
30+15 EF2000 TaktLwG74 Arr. 17-04 GAFN01 / Dep.20-04 GAFN01

Suomen Ilmavoimat (finnish Airforce)
HN-450/50 F-18C-52MC HavLLv31 Arr. 10-04 FNF125 / Dep. 24-04 FNF126
HN-441/41 F-18C-52MC HavLLv31 Arr. 10-04 FNF126 / Dep. 24-04 FNF128
HN-432/32 F-18C-51MC HavLLv31 Arr. 10-04 FNF127 / Dep. 24-04 FNF131
HN-440/40 F-18C-52MC HavLLv31 Arr. 10-04 FNF128 / Dep. 24-04 FNF129
HN-407/07 F-18C-48MC HavLLv31 Arr. 10-04 FNF129 / Dep. 24-04 FNF127
HN-429/29 F-18C-51MC HavLLv31 Arr. 10-04 FNF131 / Dep. 24-04 FNF125
Support, VIP Flight
CC-2 C-295M TukkiLv 10-04 Arr. / Dep. FNF139
PI-05 PC-12/47E TukkiLv 17-04 Arr. / Dep. FNF145
PI-05 PC-12/47E TukkiLv 21-04 Arr. / Dep. FNF203
CC-3 C-295M TukkiLv 23-04 Arr. FNF146 / Dep. 24-04 FNF146


Polish Airforce
4066 F-16C-52CF 32.BLT/ 10.Elt Arr. 10-04 PLF340 / Dep. 24-04 PLF340
4067 F-16C-52CF 32.BLT/ 10.Elt Arr. 10-04 PLF341 / Dep. 24-04 PLF341
4069 F-16C-52CF 32.BLT/ 10.Elt Arr. 10-04 PLF342 / Dep. 24-04 PLF342
4071 F-16C-52CF 32.BLT/ 10.Elt Arr. 10-04 PLF343 / Dep. 24-04 PLF344
4086 F-16D-52CF 32.BLT/ 10.Elt Arr. 10-04 PLF344 / Dep. 24-04 PLF343
4075 F-16C-52CF 32.BLT/ 10.Elt Arr. 10-04 PLF345 / Dep. 24-04 PLF345
1502 C-130E 33BLTR/14.EL 10-04 Arr. / Dep. PLF255
023 C-295M 8BLTR/13.EL 10-04 Arr. / Dep. PLF040
0215 M-28B/PT 8BLTR/12.EL 22-04 Arr. / Dep. PLF245
1505 C-130E 33BLTR/14.EL 24-04 Arr. / Dep. PLF255
016 C-295M 8BLTR/13.EL 24-04 Arr. / Dep. PLF040

Ejército del Aire (Spanish Airforce)
C.15-57/12-15 EF-18M Ala 12 Arr. 10-04 AME1205A / Dep. 24-04 AME1207
C.15-60/12-18 EF-18M Ala 12 Arr. 10/04 AME1205B
CE.15-12/12-75 EF-18BM Ala 12 Arr. 10/04 AME1205C
C.15-62/12-20 EF-18M Ala 12 Arr. 10/04 AME1205D
C.15-66/12-24 EF-18M Ala 12 Arr. 10/04 AME1206A
C.15-34/12-50 EF-18M Ala 12 Arr. 10/04 AME1206B
T.10-09/31-06 C-130H ALA31 10/04 Arr. / Dep. AME3120

TK.10-07/31-52 KC-130H ALA31 24/04 Arr. / Dep. AME3116


Royal Netherlands Airforce
J-009 F-16AM 322Tactess Leeuwarden based
J-013 F-16AM 322Tactess Leeuwarden based
J-513 F-16AM 322Tactess Leeuwarden based
J-516 F-16AM 322Tactess Leeuwarden based
J-644 F-16AM 322Tactess Leeuwarden based
J-136 F-16AM 312sq/313td Arr. 10-04 TIGER3 / Dep. 24-04 FIST13
J-616 F-16AM 312sq/313td Arr. 10-04 FIST1 / Dep. 24-04 HUNTER03
J-508 F-16AM 312sq/313td Arr. 10-04 FIST2 / Dep. 24-04 HUNTER01
J-642 F-16AM 312sq/nmk Arr. 10-04 FIST3 / Dep. 24-04 FIST12
J-197 F-16AM 312sq/311td Arr. 10-04 FIST4 / Dep. 24-04 FIST14
J-062 F-16AM 312sq/313td Arr. 10-04 FIST1 / Dep. 23-04 BONZO1
J-016 F-16AM 312sq/313td Arr. 13-04 BONZO1 / Dep. 24-04 HUNTER02
J-630 F-16AM 312sq/312td Arr. 20-04 BONZO1 / Dep. 24-04 FIST11

Support, Slowmover, VIP flight
A-301 SA.316B 300sq/DHC ALPHA29 A./D. 17-04 VIP Flight visit Gen. D. "DJ" Luyt
G-988 C-130H 336sq Arr.20-04 / Dep.24-04 BISON24 Mission c/s ANGEL37
A-301 SA.316B 300sq/DHC BLUEBIRD27 A./D. 21-04 Royal Flight visit ZKH Willem Alexander
A-292 SA.316B 300sq/DHC BLUEBIRD14 A./D. 21-04 VIP Flight visit CLS Lt.Gen. Schnitger

Jamming Aircrafts
N116MA LJ-36A Skyline Aviation Arr. 10-04 / Dep. 14-04 LION16, Msn c/s PLAYER40
G-FRAU Falcon20 Cobham Aviation Arr. 14-04 FRA95 / Dep. 24-04 FRA95, Msn c/s PLAYER40

Operating areas are northern Delta's; CORNFIELD-range (EHR-4A);Marnewaard (EHR-2) and area west of the coast village Zurich,
south of Harlingen. Within a range of 20 Km around Zurich an altitude is used of 1200 feet, except the Waddenzee,
marnewaard also 1200 feet is allowed, without the Waddenzee and the Waddenzee a minimum altitude of 1500 feet.
Also the Frisian Flag can use the dutch Delta's 1-10 located above the North sea for
unrestricted air operations and also the North-western German airspace.

Expected Mission-Times:

1st wave Launch 0900-1000Lt--> Mission 0930-1130Lt --> Recovery / RTB 1100-1200Lt
2nd wave Launch 1300-1400Lt--> Mission 1330-1530Lt --> Recovery / RTB 1500-1600Lt

Frisian Flag Mission Callsign's:

Mission Callsign -

281.5500 ch.u02 - Ground
247.6750 ch.u03 120.7000 ch.v03 Tower
337.0000 ch.u04 132.0300 ch.v04 Rapcon North
279.5250 ch.u07 - Arrival
264.3250 ch.u06 132.3500 Dutchmil Info
397.2750 - Dutchmil Pri.
279.0000 Pri. ch.14 138.0750 Range control
369.2000 Sec. 122.1000 Range control
379.8500, 317.6700 360.8750, 258.0000 355.6250, 316.0750
245.4500, 277.4500 361.4000, 368.8000 315.2700,
376.7750 "YELLOW1" 242.625 "GOLD1" 337.800 "GREY1"
Support Transport A/C
- 134.3750 Sector1 North
- 128.3550 Dutchmil below FL200
- 120.8300 Dutchmil Radar Upper

Credit's; P.R.Kroese, Otto, scramble, MinDef, Anonymous lw-patch.nl, and other who wants to stay anonymous.
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