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Credit's; P.R.Kroese, AGL, milspotters, scramble, Siedsklu, frisian milvation and other anonymous
prk-aviation.nl cannot be held responsible for any wrong information,loss or damage
incurred to the content of this publications! PLEASE NOTE: This site was created by Peter R. Kroese, 2006-2008. All images present are
protected by copyright unless stated otherwise. IMPORTANT: Extracts from the text or screenshots on the prk-aviation website that are credited to ourselves may be reproduced within reason
(e.g. for review purposes). For legal reasons however, prior permission must be obtained to use items for any form of
publication. Credit's Frisian Flag08; P.R.Kroese, Milspotters, Otto, Roberto, scramble, Spine24, and others who wants to stay anonymous. |